Wednesday, February 11, 2009


The 2007 Election Appeal Tribunal sitting in Port Harcourt has just nailed the coffin in which the former governor put the people of Abia State. For 8 years, the people of Abia State suffered in the hands of people who in the name of leaders marauded the State and left it in the hands of their cohort, Theodore Orji (Uzor Kalu), in a state of comatose.

When the (s)election result was announced, one man quiped, "for 8 years the people of Abia State have suffered in the hands of two people who are are at the head of ruining the state. Now we have another group who would worse upon our head".

The people though they did not appear prepared to fight for themselves had foolishly hoped that they would be protected by the Courts. When the lower court gave judgment in favour of the Peoples Democratic Party candidate, their hopes were raised. Today, that hope is dashed.

As they saying goes, "nobody gives you power, you have to take it by yourself if you want it", the people of Abia State may well wake up from their slumber and take their fate in their own hands by rising up against the criminal neglect and underdevelopment of the State.

There is total government failure in Abia State. There is only a rule of the touts in all facets of our governance. The roads are filled with big time touts and agberos of all sorts extorting money from the people. The no-government of Abia State has the effrontery to levy pupils in private schools.

Workers are owed continuously more than 3 months salary in arrears all the time.

The only thing remaining is for Abians to rise up and and say no to the ongoing robbery of the State by the so-called government "of the touts", or wait for the time of its burial as the Appeal Court today nailed the coffin.

1 comment:

  1. Let's give Theodore a chance now that he his election has been authenticated by a court of competent jurisdiction. Accepting the ruling of the Appeal Court has the benefit of empowering the judiciary. Reliance on judiciary would engender needed evolution of the country.
